Limo-gate? Obama's Federal "green cars": Look Across 3,500 Miles of Atlantic Waters for News on Obama's Ruling Class Hypocrisy

วันเสาร์ที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 25540 comments

How long has The Chosen One been in office? A bit over 2 years, now, and it still surprises me that some of the most honest, stinging commentary on the man and his administration heralds from international sources.

UK's Daily Mail offers this scathing report on Obama's federal green car fleet by 2015 program, titled, "Obama: All federal vehicles MUST be environmentally friendly by 2015 - except my limo"

Barack Obama's presidential limousine will be exempt from his drive to make all government vehicles environmentally friendly, the Secret Service has revealed.
The president last week insisted that he would use the government's purchasing power to promote fuel efficient cars - insisting 100 per cent of new government vehicles would be 'green' by 2015.
But the Secret Service said that the directive would not apply to some vehicles used for law enforcement and security including the president's Cadillac limousine, according to the Detroit News.
Obama last week announced the plan to make all government vehicles fuel efficient by 2015. (READ MORE).
So, a greenie-weenie Prezie-limo wouldn't be able to deflect bullets, bombs, missiles and other assorted dangers? Perhaps so but it sure seems to me that the Presidential limousine could be outfitted with some sort of ethanol-chugging engine, or "carbon offsets" could be purchased to pay homage to the Left-God Gaia. It doesn't matter if the green engine retrofitting job for the limo would be predictably contracted to the UAW and cost billions of dollars...Obama and America have BIG ideas!
We shouldn't be in the least surprised by any of this: Obama's presidency is ruled by the defiance of basic economic law as evidenced by this Washington Times article, "Barack Obama: Losing $84 billion big success":

Investor's Business Daily reported that even the White House’s Director of the National Economic Council remarked that the Treasury Department Department had a good chance in "recovering most, if not all, of its investment in" GM.
However, a March 16 Congressional Oversight report, tells a different story. It estimates taxpayers will be out of $25 billion. Additionally, the report points out that “full repayment will not be possible unless the government is able to sell its remaining shares at a far higher price.”
That's only the beginning. Both the White House and the Congressional Oversight report omit the fact that during its bankruptcy, GM got a $45 billion tax break, courtesy of the American people. (READ MORE)
Government Motors is the ultimate Obama "green" program, bondholders were given the boot, leftists and Obama were put in charge, taxpayers were shafted to the tune of tens of trillions (oops, Freudian slip here, billions) and the politically-connected UAW won all of the "green" but not in a carbon-free sense.

Don't forget too that King Obama's winning prize was the Chevy Volt and a quick search brought me to a story highlighting that Der Volt's sales were down in February of this year a surprising 40 units. Not percentage points, mind you; units, bringing the total sales of this gem of central planning government mismanagement to...well, you don't even want to know.

I guess almost any sales figure is not bad for a car that costs over $40,000 net of a fat taxpayer-subsidization.

Here's a shot of Spooky Dude looking particularly spooky in a Volt, as Government Motors celebrated the car's introduction way-back-when:

Only in America and under the Presidency of this man could such malfeasance and stupidity be possible.

: On a palette-cleansing, non-political note, via. the Discovery Channel: "Secrets of the Secret Service - The Presidential Limousine"

Discussion via. Memeorandum, here. Cross-posted to Proof Positive.

Also read: Lonely Conservative, Scared Monkeys.

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