The liberal blogosphere threw up a collective cheer yesterday after American University professor Allan Lichtman predicted that President Obama would score a big win in 2012. According to the original report, Lichtman’s election formula has “correctly called every president since Ronald Reagan’s 1984 re-election.” But Daily Mail blogger Don Surber points out that in March 2000, this surefire “expert” predicted a win for Al Gore during an appearance on CNN:
ANCHOR JAN HOPKINS: So from your surefire guide for predicting the next president, what’s it look like? Who’s going to be president?
ALLAN LICHTMAN: It’s looking very good for Al Gore. One of the keys to the White House is whether the party in power, of course the Democrats, can avoid a bruising, bloody internal fight for the nomination. Al Gore knocked off Bill Bradley, knocked him cold yesterday. He avoided the big nomination struggle. Combine that with other keys, Jan — a strong economy, peace, tranquillity at home and a united incumbent party — those are pretty good keys to hold for winning and retaining the White House for the Democrats this fall.