Restoring Honor: One year later (Part 2)

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 25540 comments

Sunday marked the one-year anniversary of Restoring Honor, last year’s rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. which celebrated America’s traditions of faith, hope and charity. Some Blaze readers have shared their personal experiences and reflections on the remarkable event one year later. I’ll be posting them on the blog throughout the day.

To see Part 1, click here.


Darah W. from Washington writes:

My husband and two daughters and myself all left for DC on 8-26 so that we could get in a couple days of history. We had been to DC many times but this trip just felt different and it was important that our kids get to see as much history as possible. The first day we walked all thru DC, went to the memorials and the monuments, it was a great day! The second day we went to museums such as the Newseum and the Smithsonian as well as Ford’s Theatre and the house that Lincoln died in, again a wonderful day and great memories. That night we met up with my Aunt and Uncle and Grandma who had flown in from Florida to attend 8-28 with us. We had a wonderful meal and decided we would spend the night at the Lincoln Memorial so we could have good viewing of the event. We had heard that people were going to camp out but we didn’t expect any major crowd that night. We went back to our hotel and rested for a bit and then gathered everything we would need for a night under the stars and we set out for the Mall.

When we arrived there I was in complete awe of what we found. Here I was thinking that there would not be that many people this early but to my amazement there were thousands already there and ready to camp out for what was to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

We found our spot, pretty close to the front and we set up camp. I can’t describe what it was like to lay under the stars at the Lincoln Memorial with thousands of other patriots and sing the songs that we grew up singing such as America the Beautiful; it was a once in a lifetime event and I was so glad we made the drive from Ohio so that our kids could experience it!

We met many heroes and patriots.  My husband, who has been serving in the US Coast Guard for the past 18 years, was moved to tears over the awards presented to the men who gave all for their country. It was such a peaceful and enlightening day, we may have been baking in the sun but we would not trade that day for anything. My kids will grow up and pass the story down to future generations of my family of the night we camped out at the Lincoln Memorial with a few thousand of our friends :)

Thank you Mr. Beck for bringing us all together, we really appreciate all that Glenn Beck has done to help our country, we would have loved to go to Israel for this year’s rally but we were transferred to Washington state with the Coast Guard a few months ago and we just could not afford it at this time. We do look forward to attending future events, and we continue to live 8-28 in our everyday lives.

Do you have a Restoring Honor story to share?  Email me your thoughts at

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